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Beijing in winter not only has a long and ancient charm

also witnessing major international exhibitions

for domestic and international exchanges and world economic and trade cooperation

significant driving effect brought about





The First Chain Expo is Coming.

Welcome friends from all over the world to clock in~



Join the world and create the future together!


Address: Beijing China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall)


Basic information


Exhibition Name: China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo


Time: November 28th to December 2nd, 2023


Venue: China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall), Beijing, China


Organizer: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade


Co-organizer: China International Exhibition Center Group Co., Ltd


Supporting units (to be invited)支持單位(擬邀):

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

World Health Organization (WHO)

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)







Background Significance


The world today is experiencing a great change that has not happened in a century. The COVID-19 has far-reaching impact. The recovery of the world economy is difficult and tortuous. The economic globalization is encountering a countercurrent. The global industrial chain supply chain is undergoing accelerated restructuring. Countries have placed more priority on the stability of the industrial chain supply chain. The industrial chain supply chain connects the economies of various countries, connecting the global flow of funds, industries, and technology for enterprises. Building a stable, safe, and smooth global industrial chain supply chain system is a common expectation of the international business community and a shared responsibility of the international community.


The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) held an expo with the theme of global supply chain, which is groundbreaking in the world. It not only provides new opportunities for countries around the world to expand economic and trade cooperation with China, but also builds a new platform for countries to carry out international trade and share cooperation opportunities. By hosting the Chain Expo, we aim to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, promote smoother and more efficient industries in various countries, and promote global economic recovery, growth, and globalization.


Exhibition content


The first Chain Expo will focus on the theme of "Linking the World, Creating a Future Together", creating an open international cooperation platform that integrates upstream, midstream, and downstream key industries, links large and small enterprises, collaborates with industry, academia, research, and application, and interacts with Chinese and foreign enterprises, actively maintaining the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain.

首屆鏈博會將以“ 鏈接世界,共創(chuàng)未來” 為主題,打造一個重點行業(yè)上中下游融通、大中小企業(yè)鏈接、 產(chǎn)學(xué)研用協(xié)同、中外企業(yè)互動的開放型國際合作平臺,積極維護(hù)全球產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈供應(yīng)鏈穩(wěn)定。

The first Chain Expo, based on the principle of "co construction, co promotion, and sharing", set up five major chains and supply chain service exhibition areas, including the smart car chain, green agriculture chain, clean energy chain, digital technology chain, and healthy life chain, showcasing advanced technologies and products in the upstream, midstream, and downstream of each industry chain, as well as supply chain services such as banking, insurance, trade consulting, commercial law, cultural education, and innovative design, creating a collection of trade promotion, investment cooperation, and innovation accumulation A high-end platform that integrates learning and communication functions.

首屆鏈博會以“共建、共促、共享” 為原則,設(shè)置智能汽車鏈、綠色農(nóng)業(yè)鏈、清潔能源鏈、數(shù)字科技鏈、健康生活鏈等5大鏈條和供應(yīng)鏈服務(wù)展區(qū),展示各產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈上中下游先進(jìn)技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品以及銀行、保險、貿(mào)易咨詢、商事法律、文化教育、創(chuàng)新設(shè)計等供應(yīng)鏈服務(wù),打造集貿(mào)易促進(jìn)、投資合作、創(chuàng)新積聚、學(xué)習(xí)交流等功能于一體的高端平臺。

The first Chain Expo will invite the most representative enterprises in the global industry chain supply chain to showcase the latest achievements in scientific research, technology, equipment, applications, and future development trends. The exhibition will adopt a scene based and interactive presentation, providing viewers with an immersive experience, highlighting green development, low-carbon environmental protection, and digital transformation. Targeting both professional audiences and various fields of society such as scientific research institutions and universities; Emphasis is placed on both trade and investment cooperation, as well as brand enhancement.



Five major chains


Intelligent Vehicle Chain智能汽車鏈

Display the core raw materials, key components and power systems, intelligent driving, integrated products of start-up electric vehicle enterprises, and other upstream, midstream, and downstream key technologies and products in the new energy vehicle industry chain, integrate charging services, automotive finance and other services, focus on the innovative development of electrification and intelligence, and enhance internal industry cooperation, cross-border integration, and resource sharing.


Green agricultural chain綠色農(nóng)業(yè)鏈

Focus on the core links, key technologies, and products of the agricultural industry chain, with a focus on showcasing seed research and development, green agricultural products, smart agricultural applications, modern intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment, planting and breeding, and agricultural product processing technologies, as well as agricultural products with regional characteristics, and supporting agricultural related financial, logistics, sales and other services.


Clean energy chain清潔能源鏈

Focusing on new technologies, products, trends, and trends in photovoltaic, wind power, energy storage, hydrogen energy, smart grid, low-carbon traditional energy, and coordinated development of traditional and new energy, promoting complementary and integrated development of multiple energy sources, and helping to achieve low-carbon development goals.


Digital technology chain數(shù)字科技鏈

Showcasing cutting-edge digital technology, emerging industries, and solutions and application products that empower different industries, with underlying technological changes, mid-level industry incubation, and upper level application scenarios as the main theme, connecting innovation, industry, and application ends, presenting key links and key contents of the digital economy throughout the entire chain, promoting deep integration and upgrading of the digital economy and the real economy


Healthy Life Chain健康生活鏈

Showcasing key links, products and technologies in the health product and service industry, as well as traditional characteristic industries such as traditional Chinese medicine and healthcare, covering a complete health product and service chain from birth to elderly care, presenting cutting-edge concepts in the field of healthy living, especially solutions that combine technological innovation and humanistic care, promoting the integration and development of various industries in the field of general health.



A large exhibition area


Supply Chain Services Exhibition Area供應(yīng)鏈服務(wù)展區(qū)

Provide integrated solutions for the global supply chain, including comprehensive logistics, IoT technology and software services, automated distribution logistics systems, and comprehensive services such as finance, insurance, and commercial law. Promote industrial chain integration and green transformation, and promote cost reduction and efficiency increase in various industries.



Extension activities


Global Supply Chain Innovation and Development Summit全球供應(yīng)鏈創(chuàng)新發(fā)展峰會

The summit will be held with the theme of "unblocking global supply chains and promoting global economic recovery", in a combination of online and offline methods. We plan to invite party and state leaders, relevant national politicians, relevant national envoys to China, representatives of relevant domestic ministries and trade promotion systems, leaders of international organizations and economic institutions, representatives of foreign business associations, and leaders of key enterprises to attend.

Focusing on strengthening international cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain, promoting global economic recovery, and other topics, we will conduct in-depth exchanges, explore new solutions to maintain the stability and smoothness of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and release the Global Supply Chain Promotion Report.



Special Forum專題論壇

Hold an industry themed forum around each of the five major chains to explore new prospects, technologies, and trends in each industry, promote stable and smooth supply chain and innovative development, help enterprises obtain information, and explore new market opportunities.


Other Activities其他活動

The Chain Expo will also hold investment and financing themed salons, policy interpretation meetings, technical seminars, new product launches, matchmaking and signing appointments, enterprise signing ceremonies, and other supporting activities to further amplify exhibition effectiveness and expand spillover effects.


Exhibition highlights


High specification exhibition platform高規(guī)格的展會平臺

The Expo invites national leaders, as well as high-level guests and renowned experts and scholars from industry regulatory departments within China, relevant international organizations, domestic and foreign industry organizations, domestic foreign associations, Fortune 500 enterprises, central enterprises, and key enterprises, to participate and visit. We will build a high-end platform for government enterprise dialogue and international exchange and cooperation, and work together with countries and international organizations around the world to make the Chain Expo an international first-class expo, Assist in the stable and smooth supply chain of the global industrial chain, inject new momentum into economic and trade cooperation and promote innovative development among countries.

博覽會邀請國家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人以及來自中國境內(nèi)行業(yè)主管部門、相關(guān)國際組織、國內(nèi)外行業(yè)組織、境內(nèi)外商協(xié)會、世界 500 強(qiáng)企業(yè)、中央企業(yè)、重點企業(yè)的高級別嘉賓和知名專家學(xué)者參展參會參觀,搭建高端政企對話平臺和國際交流合作平臺,同世界各國和國際組織一道,努力把鏈博會打造成國際一流博覽會,助力全球產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈供應(yīng)鏈穩(wěn)定暢通,為各國開展經(jīng)貿(mào)合作、推動創(chuàng)新發(fā)展注入新動能。

Large scale, strong professionalism, and high degree of internationalization規(guī)模大、專業(yè)性強(qiáng)、國際化程度高

●The exhibition covers an area of over 100000 square meters, with over 300 world-renowned enterprises participating in the exhibition.

Representative enterprises from the five major industrial chains gather in Beijing. 

●The Expo focuses on inviting leading domestic and foreign enterprises from the five major industry chains to participate, showcasing the latest technologies and products in key links upstream, midstream, and downstream of the industry chain.

●Exhibiting and participating enterprises have a high degree of internationalization. The Expo invites hundreds of globally renowned multinational enterprises from over 30 countries and regions to participate, with an expected proportion of international exhibitors exceeding 30%.




Broad international cooperation platforms國際合作平臺廣闊

●The organizer, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, will highlight the functions of connecting government and enterprises, integrating internal and external resources, and facilitating supply and demand. It will fully utilize data resources for precise analysis, and publish supply and demand information online and offline in both directions to assist in accurate docking between supply and demand. Inviting domestic large, medium, and small enterprises, government visiting groups, and overseas buyers to participate in special supply and demand coordination meetings, national investment roadshows, and other activities, to facilitate precise coordination between exhibitors and buyers.

●The first Chain Expo is expected to have over 100000 professional buyers and visitors.

●The proportion of international buyers is expected to exceed 40%, covering over 50 countries and regions.




Play a leading role發(fā)揮引領(lǐng)作用

●Release the "Beijing Initiative" to strengthen global industrial chain supply chain cooperation and propose a China plan for open global supply chain cooperation.

●Release the Global Supply Chain Promotion Report and industry information.



Multi channel media, 24/7, all-round and three-dimensional promotion多渠道媒體全天候全方位立體式宣傳

●Through the central media, professional media, overseas media, as well as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Tiktok, Kwai, video number, microblog and other We Media platforms, we reported the grand event of the Expo through multiple channels and comprehensively, helping enterprises to improve brand exposure, expand influence, and present a colorful and three-dimensional chain expo from all perspectives.


Enlarge the exhibition effect through online exhibitions線上展覽放大展會效果

● Build an online exhibition platform that provides online viewing, live streaming of events, negotiation and matchmaking services throughout the entire process.

● 搭建線上展覽平臺,全程提供線上觀展、活動直播、洽談對接和交易撮合服務(wù)。

Create a good display and communication platform打造良好的展示交流平臺

● The Chain Expo actively strengthens intellectual property protection, optimizes intellectual property services, takes multiple measures before, during, and after the exhibition, provides intellectual property services, and establishes a work contact mechanism with relevant intellectual property departments, striving to create a good exhibition transaction environment for exhibitors and buyers.

● 鏈博會積極加強(qiáng)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù),優(yōu)化知識產(chǎn)權(quán)服務(wù),在展前、展中和展后各個環(huán)節(jié)采取多項措施,提供知識產(chǎn)權(quán)服務(wù),并與相關(guān)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)部門建立工作聯(lián)系機(jī)制,努力為參展商和采購商營造良好的展會交易環(huán)境。


Buyer registration

Miss Long 18929507518


上一頁:議員到訪、現(xiàn)場訂單、養(yǎng)老考察……中國養(yǎng)老展團(tuán)亮相馬來西亞SIBS 2023精彩回顧!