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展訊|2018中國義烏進口商品博覽會:“ 義烏經(jīng)濟圈 ” 云集中外商人,誠邀您“掘金”!
中國義烏進口商品博覽會,“ 義烏經(jīng)濟圈 ” 云集中外商人,誠邀您掘金!


※ 2018中國義烏進口商品博覽會 ※ 

※  2018 China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair ※ 


時間:2018 年 5 月 6-9 日

地點:中國 義烏 國際博覽中心




Date: May 6 th -9 th , 2018

Venue: Yiwu International Expo Centre, Zhejiang, China

Supporter:Zhejiang Municipal People’s Government


China Chamber of International Commerce

China General Chamber of Commerce


Foreign Trade Development Office of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province

Yiwu Municipal People’s Government


Yiwu China Commodity City Exhibition Co., Ltd.


※ 基本概況 ※ 

※ Fair Overview ※ 

中國義烏進口商品博覽會前身為義烏進口展,創(chuàng)辦于 2012 年,是進口日用消費品的專業(yè)展覽平臺。2015 年,為進一步響應國家“一帶一路”倡議,積極推進義新歐及義甬舟大通道的建設,努力打造義烏“中國進口商品城”,進口展升級為中國義烏進口商品博覽會,由中國國際商會、中國物流與采購聯(lián)合會、中國商業(yè)聯(lián)合會主辦,浙江省人民政府支持,辦展規(guī)格逐年提升,參展企業(yè)及產品不斷豐富,展會品牌效應日益凸顯,已成為國外日用消費品進入中國的市場首選展貿平臺之一,先后榮獲“中國十佳優(yōu)秀特色展會”、“浙江省十大品牌博覽會”、“中國十大影響力展會”等殊榮。2016 年 6 月,中國義烏進口商品博覽會成功通過全球展覽業(yè)協(xié)會(UFI)的認證,是全國首個通過該認證的進口消費類主題展會。

As a professional exhibiting platform for imported daily consumer goods, China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair was found in 2012, and upgraded into national level exhibition in 2015, to further correspond to the “Belt and Road” proposal of China and contribute to the building of Yiwu China Imported Commodities City. Jointly hosted by China Chamber of International Commerce and China General Chamber of Commerce, supported by The People's Government of Zhejiang Province, the fair focuses on the quality of exhibitors and buyers, provides perfect ground service, and has rapidly developed into one of the most effective and promising exhibitions in the industry. In June 2016, China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair was approved by UFI as the first imported commodities fair in its list, and won the title of “China Top 10 Most Distinctive Fairs”, “Zhejiang Top 10 Brand Fairs”, and “China Top 10 Influential Fairs” in these years.


2017中國義烏進口商品博覽會 開幕式

※ 參展范圍 ※ 

 Scope of Exhibits ※ 


家居用品 母嬰用品 美妝個護 工藝品禮品 數(shù)碼家電 食品飲料

保健品 時尚飾品 創(chuàng)意玩具 文化辦公運動休閑 服飾及配件


跨境電商及物流平臺 進口貿易供應鏈平臺自貿區(qū) 保稅區(qū) 免稅店


Imported consumer goods:

※Household articles Maternal & Child products Beauty & Skin care

Art-crafts & Ornaments Electric appliances & Digital equipments Food & Beverages

Health care products Fashion Accessories Creative Toys

Culture & Official Article Sports & Entertainment products Garments & Accessories

Import trade Service:

International logistics & E-business trading platform Import trade supply chain platform

Free trade Zone Bonded area Duty-free stores Import trading service agency





2017中國義烏進口商品博覽會 展品

※ 義烏參展優(yōu)勢 ※ 

 Why Yiwu ※ 

“ 義烏經(jīng)濟圈 ” 云集中外商人 是全球最大的小商品集貿城市

在義烏,每年近 50 萬人次外商和 1000 萬人次國內客商前來采購;有 100 多個國家和地區(qū)的 1.5 萬多名境外商客常駐,商品輻射中國所有城市和全球 210 個國家和地區(qū)。

Being the biggest daily-use commodoties trade city in the world, Yiwu has attracted great number of domestic and foreign businessmen in “Yiwu economic circle”. 

Nearly 500,000 person-time foreign businessmen and 10 million person-time domestic buyers come to purchase in Yiwu every year, over 15,000 foreign businessmen from more than 100 countries and regions resident in Yiwu, and the Yiwu sales network covers every city and town in China, and 210 countries and regions around the world.


2017中國義烏進口商品博覽會 采購洽談

“ 義烏新干線 ” 暢達世界各地 是華東地區(qū)唯一的國際陸港城市

“義新歐”中歐班列輻射沿途 1.3 萬公里沿線的 7 個亞歐國家,直達中亞和歐洲各國,構建了一條便捷高效的陸路貿易通道。

Being the only international inland port city in eastern China, Yiwu owns developed logistic network all around the world.

“Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe” cargo train radiates 7 Asian and European countries along the pathway of 13,000km,providing efficient logistic service for importation.

“ 義烏電商網(wǎng) ” 煥發(fā)市場新機 是全國跨境電商密度第二高的城市

目前,義烏全市在各類平臺的電商賬戶達 25.5 萬戶,其中跨境電商賬戶超 11 萬戶,交易額占全國總量的 15%,義烏成為繼深圳之后,跨境電商密度全國第二高城市。

Advanced E-business network makes Yiwu the second highest dense city of E-business in China.

Yiwu has altogether 255,000 accounts set on all kinds of e-commerce platforms, among witch over 110,000 cross-border accounts. With the turnover of 15% of the national total, Yiwu has become the city of the second highest dense of E-business in China after Shenzhen.

“ 義烏會展業(yè) ” 集聚全球商機 是全球排名36位的世界級會展城市

上海會展研究院(SMI)發(fā)布新版會展藍皮書《中外會展業(yè)動態(tài)評估研究報告 2016》。該報告公布了最新世界會展城市實力排行榜,義烏在全球綜合排名中位列第 36,國內排名第六位。

Ranking 36 of word-class exhibition cities, Yiwu Conference and Exhibition Industry gathers global business opportunity.

 In the《Research Report on global MICE Industry 2016》released by SMI,Yiwu ranks 36 th of exhibition cities in the world, and 6 th in China.


※ 義烏中國進口商品城介紹 ※ 

※ Yiwu China Imported Commodities Mall 

義烏中國進口商品城經(jīng)營面積 10 萬平方米,是中國規(guī)模最大的進口日用品貿易中心,集聚了來自 100 多個國家的食品、保健品、服裝鞋帽、日用百貨、家居用品、廚房用品、日化用品、孕嬰童用品、珠寶飾品等 8 大類 8 萬種源頭地商品,覆蓋全國 300 多個大中城市的銷售網(wǎng)絡渠道。進口商品城依托義烏市場輻射全球 219 個國家和地區(qū),內銷覆蓋全國300 多個大中城市的銷售網(wǎng)絡渠道,具有轉口業(yè)務與內銷一級批發(fā)的突出優(yōu)勢,展現(xiàn)出越來越強大的活力和發(fā)展空間。

Yiwu China Imported Commodities Mall is one the biggest displaying and distributing platform for imported commodities in China. It covers an operation area of 100,000㎡with more than 80,000 kinds of imported commodities from over 100 countries and regions, trading food & health care products, garments & shoes and hats, general merchandise, jewelry & crafts, etc.. has conducted intimate business relations with 219 countries and regions all over the world and covered multiple distribution network channels of over 300 large and medium-sized cities in China.


*The organizing committee of China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair has built long-term linkage mechanism with Yiwu China Imported Commodities Mall, outstanding exhibitors of the fair shall have the priority on applying for shops in the Imported Commodities Mall.


義烏中國進口商品城 圖片來源于網(wǎng)絡


※ 往屆回顧 ※ 

※ Previous Exhibition Review ※ 

2017 中國義烏進口商品博覽會以“推進開放創(chuàng)新,共享全球資源”為主題,積極開拓海外源頭渠道,共組織國際標準展位 2006 個,展覽面積 5 萬平方米,設亞洲館 I、亞洲館II、歐洲館、美大非/貿易綜合館和進口食品館共 5 個展區(qū),吸引了五大洲 100 多個國家和地區(qū)的 1518 家企業(yè)和機構參展,與會參觀者、采購商累計達 15.13 萬人次,分別來自印度、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、英國、意大利等 69 個國家和地區(qū)以及國內浙江、廣東、上海、江蘇等 28 個省市,展會意向總成交額 12.76 億元。經(jīng)過三年的精心培育,義烏進口商品博覽會在展會規(guī)模、參展國別、展品類別、配套活動、宣傳推廣、現(xiàn)場服務等多方面指標均已名列全國同類進口日用消費品展會前茅。

The 2017 China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair, taking “Promoting open innovation, sharing global resources” as its theme, has set up 2006 international standard booths in 50,000 sqm of ground space. 1518 exhibitors from over 100 countries and regions were displayed in 5 grand halls:Asian Pavilion I, Asian Pavilion II, European Pavilion, American/ Oceania/ African/ Trade comprehensive Pavilion and Import food Pavilion. Around 151,300 purchasers and visitors, from 69 countries and regions: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, England, Italy, etc. and 28 provinces in China: Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, etc. have visited the fair during the four-days’procurement negotiations. After years of development, China Yiwu Import Commodities Fair has gained its reputation for the high level of exhibition scale, rich commodities, productive activities, and perfect ground services in China.


2017中國義烏進口商品博覽會 推介會
